Saturday, November 21, 2009

My experince in chatting....

Shocking!!!! At first I was very excited to chat anybody outside of our country. When I enter the chat room, there are many chatters who invite me to be their chat mate. Then, I was confused if who among them I entertain first. After that I’ve meet this five people through cam and chatting them. I ask asked their full name, native name and also their locations. The following persons are: Mr. Michael Mathew “Vivin” from Dubai, Mr. Sumit Sharma “Jay” from India, Mr. Stephen Bang Sudan from Africa, Mr. Acically Fdishi “Aneesh” from Dubai and also Mr. Albort Kouhdan “Sagar”from Belfast. While chatting them I felt nervous. It is because it’s my first time in chatting….
I have my shocking moments while chatting to them. I saw something that makes me traumatized. The two guys are doing some bad things in front of me. And I don’t like it very much. They are doing some shameful thing. What I did when I saw their habits I close eventually their tabs to get rid of their sights. I feel very angry of what they showed to me. They are very YUCKY!!! And now I’ve realized that in this modern world everything can happen in the “Internet” I have learned in this activity. That I will never be compiance to those people inviting me to view my cam if I don’t know them yet.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What is the impact of internet in education?

"Nowadays internet has a big impact in internet it can give many information about everything you wanted to know. Just in education, education today needs broad information in every topics they tackled. For easier way of searching information. They are just only typing a search engine to make their research faster. They are also keeping teachers and students communicate each other especially in using YM and Blog in subject matter. Internet also can make education updated in every happening’s around of this world.
As of now, in internet you can learn also your favorite subjects without going to school. It is because in internet you will only pay them through an automotive machine. Afterward they will give you information in every subject you wanted to learn, just like in the school. Behind
of that, you will never see a teacher standing in front of you, but you can learn".